Date posted:
September 19, 2022 - 08:39 pm
Name: Paul Binner
Message: Prayers for Dave B. Who has emphysema on both lungs.
Date posted:
September 15, 2022 - 07:36 am
Name: Paul Binner
Message: John Kalp has pancreatic cancer and is scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning in Florida. The 6-7 hour procedure will entail the removal of the head of his pancreas, his gallbladder, a portion of his liver and a portion of his duodenum.
Please pray for him and the surgical team. Pray for strength for John. He has a lengthy road ahead of him including several weeks of inpatient rehab. Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated.
Date posted:
August 31, 2022 - 02:46 pm
Name: Eileen Rockensies
Date posted:
August 25, 2022 - 01:23 pm
Name: Paul Binner
Message: Please pray for Shelly E. who is experiencing complications after having cancer surgery. Prayers for proper treatment and complete healing
Date posted:
August 03, 2022 - 07:40 am
Name: Paul Binner
Message: Emily Rickaby , a recent High School graduate, was finally given the rare diagnosis of Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic pain condition that causes burning, throbbing and stabbing pain throughout the effected areas. Emily has full body CRPS along with thyroid disease and medullary sponge kidney disease.
Emily also has type one diabetes, and her other diagnoses worsen her symptoms of this as well.
Emily has been struggling with her CRPS for a year and has progressively gotten worse. She is now wheelchair bound and completely dependent on her family for daily tasks.
Date posted:
August 02, 2022 - 07:43 am
Name: Paul Binner
Message: Joann T. had emergency brain surgery last night at midnight at Geisinger. She also had a stroke on her right side. She had two brain bleeds they do feel they were able to stop them and she should recover. Her mom thinks she has a long road ahead of her.
Emily who has been suffering from CRPS which is now affecting her heart she has to go to a hospital in Reading for infusion’s to hopefully get some relief from pain
Carla having problems with Crohn’s disease
Little Violet who is in Boston Children’s Hospital having seizures this girl has been through so much in her young life
Melody and Steve are going through some issues right now
Date posted:
August 02, 2022 - 07:40 am
Name: Paul Binner
Message: Jim B. from Florida had a stroke recently, is using a wheelchair, & having lots of balance issues
Pat T. has an underlying condition and is scheduled for a procedure this month
Date posted:
August 02, 2022 - 07:40 am
Name: Paul Binner
Message: Jim B. from Florida had a stroke recently, is using a wheelchair, & having lots of balance issues
Pat T. has an underlying condition and is scheduled for a procedure this month
Date posted:
August 02, 2022 - 07:40 am
Name: Paul Binner
Message: Jim B. from Florida had a stroke recently, is using a wheelchair, & having lots of balance issues
Pat T. has an underlying condition and is scheduled for a procedure this month
Date posted:
July 30, 2022 - 10:05 pm
Name: Paul Binner
Message: Please pray for Chrissy who has been diagnosed with a serious form of breast cancer. She is a young mother with four children.
Date posted:
July 30, 2022 - 10:05 pm
Name: Paul Binner
Message: Please pray for Chrissy who has been diagnosed with a serious form of breast cancer. She is a young mother with four children.
Date posted:
July 30, 2022 - 10:05 pm
Name: Paul Binner
Message: Please pray for Chrissy who has been diagnosed with a serious form of breast cancer. She is a young mother with four children.
Date posted:
July 28, 2022 - 12:42 pm
Name: Paul Binner
Message: Please pray for Joseph. He is in the ICU after emergency abdominal surgery, sepsis and Covid.
Please pray for his full healing, comfort and God's peace to his family and wisdom for the medical team.
Date posted:
July 26, 2022 - 09:20 am
Name: Paul Binner
Message: Prayers for a young man suffering from a condition called rhabdomyolysis. He seems to be getting worse by the day, and doctors think he may have gillian-barre syndrome.
Date posted:
July 23, 2022 - 01:55 pm
Name: Maria
Message: Curt - for quick recovery & no prolonged affects
Husband - cure of a stomach ailment
Maria - no side affects / issues from a procedure